We bring together legal expertise + information design

Clarifying visualisations that communicate legal information effectively and convincingly

Clarity with legal design

Engaging and memorable design

Legal services done right: engaged, informed clients who feel supported by your expertise and effective help. But do they understand your legal lingo?


Aclara Legal Design takes a design approach by focusing on your clients’ needs, together with you. We want your legal content to be understandable and usable for your clients.


We redesign traditional, text-heavy legal communication and documentation to make them engaging, readable and memorable. So you can deliver the modern, accessible legal services your clients want.

Aclara Legal Design Anna Posthumus Meyjes image

What legal design can do for you

Join this client-centered innovation movement


Litigators are storytellers: they have to convince their audience with their story. Adding visual elements – visual storytelling – helps to convey your message. We design graphics for your court submissions and visuals to use during court hearings. We know the intensity of litigation and work together to make your case impactful for the court. With effective, convincing timelines, charts, overviews and road maps, you will be one step ahead of the game.




No matter how much time goes into drafting the best contract or terms and conditions, they’re often unclear and hard to navigate. Are they even read? Lots of people – even experienced parties – soon give up. A readable, accessible design helps understand the content quickly and facilitates doing business. A well-designed contract cuts back negotiation time and prevents disputes later on by being a usable business tool to its parties. Our goal is to make people even want to read your terms and conditions.


Whether it’s advising your client as an attorney or your board of directors as a general counsel, a mutual understanding is essential. Complex legal problems need to be broken down into comprehensible information so that decisions can be made fast. Take it from your stakeholders: your next memo needs clear flowcharts, organisational charts, term sheets or other infographics. Reduce time and confusion by leveraging the power of visual communication.




Communication of compliance and governance guidelines throughout your organisation is challenging enough, even without using legalese. Our approach to compliance and governance is: clear, Q&A style writing, scannable and visualised information, aiming for the highest engagement.

So, how may we help you?

Discover the benefits of legal design for your organisation

These legal innovators improved their client
experience with our design services:

What’s new?

Legal design training

Book you team’s legal design in-house training. Get familiar with legal design methods and mindset.

FREE Starter Set Visual Information templates

Download this 7-slide Visual Information template set for free! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Legal design is a user-centred, creative, problem-solving methodology and mindset aiming to improve legal products, services and systems. It combines legal expertise, information design and design thinking. That means it’s collaborative by nature and requires curiosity, experimentation and empathy. The best way to get to know legal design is by participating!
AWe start with research, asking questions, doing interviews where necessary. We delve deep into the end users’ wants and needs. Once we established a framework for what the project needs, we draft sketches. After getting client feedback, we make a first design version, followed by feedback and making iterations. That step repeats itself until we reach a final version. A legal design project is always a collaboration and an iterative process.

100% of our clients would recommend our services to a friend or colleague

Excuse our humble brag. We're proud.