Compliance infographics for insurer

Improving incident and regulatory reporting

the brief

The leading Dutch insurance company consulted Aclara Legal Design to design a series of infographics to communicate compliance information on incident and regulatory reporting. The compliance department noticed that many were unfamiliar with the incident reporting process or found it hard to recognise an incident as such. For senior management, regulatory reporting is vital, so the compliance department wanted to create a brief overview with easily scannable actions.

the goal

Inform and instruct the insurer’s employees about incident reporting: when is something considered an ‘incident’? Why and where can you report this? And for senior management: what to report, how and when.

the process

We created the infographics over several meetings, each time trimming down the text and rewriting in plain language. The focus was creating one-pagers with layered information (the pop-up text box on the incident reporting infographic).

the result

The infographics function as standalone summaries with clear instructions to their users. The illustrations enhance engagement. We are currently monitoring if using the infographics leads to fewer questions or missed reporting.

What our client says about this project

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